If it can’t be done right, it’s not worth doing. Distill Media’s reputation for precise and unparalleled videography work hinges on this belief: you get what you pay for.
Drafting the perfect documentary
We know from experience that coming to a shoot prepared saves everybody time and money. Committing time to the development process helps us know exactly what we need to accomplish when we make it to the filming days: what people are needed, what equipment we will require, and what shots we need to capture to tell the story.
The end result of the “designing” phase: a smooth production experience.
Gathering the content
This is where we put boots on the ground. Our team will be prepared to film all necessary segments with technical precision: capturing perfect video, audio, and interviews. It’s important that our team is technically proficient, but it is equally important to have a team with the social wherewithal to ensure the interview subject feels comfortable. The difference between a dry, awkward interview and a natural-feeling, enjoyable interview is in the hands of the videographers–and we’re able to provide that environment.
This doesn’t even get into the issue of equipment, mobile bandwidth, remote labour, and gear maintenance. Our experience in producing documentaries means we are comfortable with layering contingencies upon contingencies to ensure a filming process devoid of unnecessary, preventable delays.
The Editing Process
A good documentary is all about a strong narrative. This all happens in the editing bay: threading together all the different elements to not only just present the information, but to showcase the information in a way that is engaging, palatable, and dynamic.
The bulk of this process is stringing together the initial edit. We call this the “story edit” as it shapes the arc of the project. This will then go through multiple revisions both internally and with the client before adding supplemental footage, licensed music, on-screen graphics, and any other finishing touches.
Delivery to Distributors
When the project is fully assembled, it becomes important to consider how it should be distributed. Streaming services, network providers, publishing platforms, advertising, and marketing are all elements that require thorough thought and tact.
Beyond the documentary’s initial distribution, the assets created need to be stored somewhere safe, secure, and future-proof. For an undertaking of this size, the digital assets will be large. Having back-ups both digital and physical of the project is paramount to extending the shelf-life of the work completed.
Mapping out the execution of a perfect documentary–from crew, to equipment, to narrative.
Capturing the story on the field–gathering every shot and sound we know we will need.
Crafting the documentary in the editing bay–connecting the individual parts, and revising the product until it’s distribution ready.
Building assets and resources to allow for the project to be in front of as many people as possible.